Paper Bags
Plastic Bags
Small Drawstring Bags
Gift Boxes
Jewelry Packaging
Cello Bags & Rolls
Christian Gift Wrap & Bags
Christmas Packaging
Closeout Packaging
New Store Fixtures
Used Store Fixtures
Gift Certificates & Enclosure Cards
Gift Wrapping Paper
Gift Wrap Paper Cutters
Gourmet Packaging
Clothing Hangers
Tags & Tagging Accessories
Tape & Shipping Supplies
Tissue Paper & Crinkle Cut

Grab Bag Assortments

If you're looking for cheap paper gift bags, look no further. We have put together assortments of paper shopping bags that are assorted by large and small sizes. There is no guarantee of the number of patterns in a case or the number of bags per pattern and patterns vary from case to case, so it is truly a grab bag selection. You cannot beat these prices anywhere!