Paper Bags
Plastic Bags
Small Drawstring Bags
Gift Boxes
Jewelry Packaging
Cello Bags & Rolls
Christian Gift Wrap & Bags
Christmas Packaging
Closeout Packaging
New Store Fixtures
Used Store Fixtures
Gift Certificates & Enclosure Cards
Gift Wrapping Paper
Gift Wrap Paper Cutters
Gourmet Packaging
Clothing Hangers
Tags & Tagging Accessories
Tape & Shipping Supplies
Tissue Paper & Crinkle Cut

Red & White Gift & Apparel Box

Our red and white duet folding set up boxes have the look of a high end set up box but actually ship flat for easy storage. These boxes are easy to put together and gift ready with a color combination that is year round. They are available in gift, apparel and jewelry box sizes. Simply add a ribbon and bow accessory. Yes, they are more expensive but they are less than the traditional rigid style box. Also, you'll save on labor and giftwrap expense. You cannot purchase better quality boxes than these and thus you cannot underestimate how much your customers will appreciate this tasteful presentation.